Saturday, May 9, 2015

Here's to an Inspired Mom

"A mother is always the beggining. She is how things begin."
- Amy Tan

What do most moms really want for Motherís Day? Not greeting cards (unless they're homemade by the kiddos) Not chocolates or even flowers. While mom's love spending time with family, all of us crave spending some time unplugged from our day in day out routines, taking a break from being the constant caregiver for the family. I'm not saying we don't love spending quality time with our precious children but sometimes you just need some time to focus on yourself, taking time out to empower your inner spirit.

And, it’s no accident that Mother’s Day falls in early May, when Mother Nature is at her finest. So treat yourself to a day outside, and make sure you don't have to do any heavy planning. Sometimes the best outdoor adventures are serendipitous, unplanned and unexpected. Be sure to take a moment for old school outdoor pleasures too. Skip the perfect stone on the lake, fly a kite, and lay on your back in a field of wild flowers. Take a minute to feel the peace of the moment. I can tell you from experience that there's no better way to distress.

Following some major life changes, there was a period of adjustment for myself and my little ones and one of the main things that got us through it was taking on the outdoor world. I've taken countless trips with my children and several solo excursions and rejuvenated outdoor adventures with friends. Each wonderful experience has helped me become the happy, powerful woman I am today and a fantastic mother as well if I don't say to myself :-)

I can tell you from experience that solo traveling is a great way to not only get reacquainted, but to discover things about yourself you never knew. I can tell you just how empowering it is to enjoy the intense beauty of Mother Nature on your own. One of my favorite “solo” treks was Europe's Tour De Mont Blanc, one of the continent's most popular long distance walks that actually passes through parts of France, Italy and Switzerland. This particular trek left me feeling renewed and inspired and empowered because it was one of the most challenging ones ever taken on. I also backpacked "solo" into the Grand Canyon and reveled at the deserts hidden wonders. Both were challenging experiences that I feel have made me a stronger mom in all aspects of life.

My kids love to get outdoors and we've camped and hiked to many places in Northern California, including Big Basin, Point Reyes, Yosemite and Big Sur. Our favorite outing is our simple but fun weekend biking trips, stopping here and there along the way to do a little window shopping, check out local bookstores, treat ourselves with a yummy cupcake or some ice cream. We embrace these trips as they give us opportunity to talk and listen to each other and be ‘present’ in each other’s lives.

And, I’m truly blessed with having amazing friends who enjoy exploring the outdoors as much as I do. We’ve taken many outdoor trips to places like Yosemite and Kauai but our favorite way of ‘hanging out’ is our brief outdoor excursions during the week to catch up and get some exercise at the same time.

If you don’t have a lot of time, something as simple as making time to go hiking or biking with family and/or friends for the day can be all you need to get centered after a difficult week. You'd be surprised how many great places there are in your own neighborhood to get out and enjoy yourself as well. Just take a few minutes to browse online for local parks/national parks in your area. 

Generously giving of themselves is something that runs in a mother's veins. We're naturally strong, brave, selfless and loving and loved. What we all must remember is to give ourselves with same love and attention we give others - it's very empowering.

May your Mother's Day be empowering and filled with inspired acts of life and love.

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